The use of condoms is strange
to many men in Makoko, a densely populated slum where the majority live
in wooden shacks built on water, writes ARUKAINO UMUKORO
Following his pleasant discovery
earlier in the day, Hueze Huesu, in his 50s, couldn’t wait to get home
later that night. He felt like a school boy preparing for a first date.
He was excited about exploring
the world of sex with a ‘rubber.’ “Nobody had told me about condoms
until I heard from some people that it prevents pregnancy and sexually
transmitted diseases,” he said.
However, his excitement was
deflated when he tried to explore his... discovery with one of his wives
that night. He said, “For the first time, I tried to use it when I
wanted to sleep with my wife but she bluntly refused. She said she was
not a prostitute and queried why I wanted to use a condom when we have
been married for years and never used one.”
Since then, Huese, who has 10
children, has never tried to use a condom with any of his two wives. “I
have never believed in the use of condoms anyway. This has not stopped
me from having sex regularly. The woman knows the sign when the man is
about to ejaculate or reach orgasm. So she has already even enjoyed it
more than the man before he withdraws,” noted Huese animatedly.
Like Huese, many Egun people
in Makoko, as well as Oko-Agbon and Ago-Egun communities in Yaba Local
Council Development Area, Lagos, do not like using condoms due to their
long held traditional belief in the old practice of coitus interruptus, also known as the withdrawal or pull-out method during sexual intercourse.
For centuries, this has been used as a method of birth control worldwide.
The history is not lost on the Egun people
whose forefathers migrated from neighbouring Francophone West African
countries like Togo and Benin Republic, as well as from Badagry, Lagos.
This age old practice has been transferred to the current generation,
where most of the people speak their local Egun dialect and
sometimes French. Their major occupations are fishing and farming. Only a
few understand English and the residents, whose maj live in wooden
shacks built on murky waters oozing with an unpleasant odour.
“The use of condom means nothing for us here as Egun people.
We don’t like using condoms because we know ourselves, both women and
men; we don’t go outside or sleep around. It’s those people who go
outside sleeping with different people that contact such diseases like
HIV,” said Lowato Luke, one of the traditional chiefs in the area.
Luke, who has two wives and 12
children, gleefully boasted that he had mastered the withdrawal method
and understands his wives’ ovulation cycles. “I know the particular
times to have sex with my wives, even if they are breastfeeding and I
want to have sex with them, I know how to do it to prevent another
pregnancy,” he said. Like Huese, he also claimed that his wives enjoy
the sex more than he does. “But if you use condom, it won’t be that
enjoyable. I have never used a condom,” he noted.
It is the same case with Kirianko
Goi, in his 40s. “I don’t believe in the use of condom because I never
heard that from my father. It’s not for me to say whether I will advise
my children to use condom or not. If the young boys and girls want to
have sex, they won’t tell you. This generation is clearly different from
that of my father and mine. But if I’m in a position to do so, I will
advise them, it is my duty to advise them,” he said.
Goi’s nephews, two young men in
their 20s, one married and the other unmarried, giggled intermittently
during their uncle’s brief condom talk. But they declined comments when
asked if they use condoms during sex.
Many of the men who spoke to our
correspondent in the community expressed their aversion to the use of
condoms during sexual intercourse and were insistent that their women
enjoyed it that way.
Twenty-five-year-old Bernadette
Sato, who has two children, agreed. She does not like condom. “We don’t
like using condom. But if we don’t want to get pregnant, we know how to
do it by ourselves; it pays us more that way, because we don’t like
using condom. I was told in a hospital in Cotonou, Benin Republic, where
I gave birth to my first child, that people who don’t want to get
pregnant can use condom. Sometimes, I use a family planning drug before
and after sex with my husband to prevent pregnancy,” she said, noting
that many of her friends also don’t like condoms, while some claimed it
could bring about disease. “I don’t know the type of disease, but I just
don’t like condom during sex,” she added.
Pipi Olorunwa, who has been
married for 12 years and has six children, gave an insight into the
female perspective. She said: “Although there is no official report that
says condom is bad; personally, I don’t like it because God did not
create it. Those who created it did so because of the level of
immorality in the world today so that they can enjoy themselves. There
are several methods to avoid pregnancy. A couple can have sex without
the wife conceiving.
“I also don’t like the chemical
and odour from condom because I believe the chemicals used in preserving
the condom could cause problems and is harmful to the body. Although I
didn’t get the information from a medical expert, but everybody does
according to their belief. I don’t use any drug either to prevent
pregnancy. I just do it the natural way with my husband.”
“We don’t use need it or any
other contraceptive because we understand how to do child spacing,’’
noted the head of the traditional chiefs in the area, 55-year-old Mr.
Francis Agoyon Alashe. When probed further, he gave a timeline of the
spacing among some of his 14 children as proof. It showed a two or
three-year gap among them. “My children are well spaced. Some of them,
including the twins, were born in 1984, 1986 and 1989. I stopped having
children in 2003,” he explained, adding that he still had sex with his
wives during those period without childbirth because he had ‘planned it
carefully with the withdrawal method.’
“Of course, the woman enjoys it.
It’s a matter of agreement between the man and the woman. We don’t like
using condoms as such because we want flesh to meet flesh. If a man is
too anxious during sex, he will ejaculate on time, but if he can control
his excitement, he can take longer minutes,” he explained.
According to Agoyon, the use of
condoms could even have ‘negative effects.’ “We believe using condom
could bring disease on its own. This could happen when the sperm goes
back into the manhood. We call it ‘foon’. Then, to urinate will be very
difficult,” he said.
However, a medical doctor, Dr.
Kareem Jamiu, punctured holes in Agoyon’s statement. “That’s not true.
It’s not medically possible. But there is what is called ‘retrograde
ejaculation’, where the sperm goes backwards to the bladder instead of
forward. Normally, when a man wants to ejaculate, the bladder neck
closes so that the sperm can easily flow forward. But if the bladder
neck muscles are weak or relaxed, then it means there is a problem. Some
causes of retrograde ejaculations are complications from diabetes, a
malfunctioning bladder sphincter, as well as some STDs. But in a normal
male, the bladder neck is normally so tight and so the sperm cannot go
back,” explained Jamiu, who once worked with the Doctors Without
Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières during their intervention programme in Makoko, Oddo and Badia communities in Lagos State.
The MSF team, comprised foreign
doctors supported by Nigerian medical staff, worked in these areas for
over two years and established a health centre, until they left in 2012.
Despite the lack of information,
knowledge, and awareness about the consequences of unprotected sex,
there is a general low rate of STDs and HIV/AIDS in the Makoko
communities, noted Jamiu, who confirmed to our correspondent that the
people in the communities really don’t like using condoms.
He said: “We tried talking with
them but it was difficult getting the message across to them. When you
tell them about it, they just laugh about it and say they will try.
“From our experience with them, their way of preventing pregnancy is coitus interruptus.
Most of the males that had STDs patronised traditional healers, while
the females sometime came for treatment, although the rate of STDs or
HIV/AIDS was not as widespread as feared. I don’t think there was any
difference between the rates in Makoko when compared with the general
population or with people who live in different settings. Sometimes,
there were 11 cases of HIV in a month, sometimes 12. The community also
recorded low figures in malaria and cholera cases,” he explained.
“We have special herbs to cure STDs like gonorrhoea and other types of diseases,” said Huese. “It is an Egunsecret,” Agoyon replied when probed about it.
This surprising trend may be due
to what is medically termed ‘herd immunity’, Jamiu noted. “When a group
of people are exposed to something too frequently, they tend to develop a
general immunity to it,” he explained.
According to Vaccines Today,
an online publication, “Herd immunity is a form of immunity that occurs
when the vaccination of a significant portion of a population (or herd)
provides a measure of protection for individuals who have not developed
“I think that’s what happened in Makoko. The rates of diseases were not really as bad as envisaged, Jamiu said.
Another medical doctor who worked
with MSF, Dr. Valentina Edoro, echoed Jamiu’s words. “There were
isolated cases of STDS, but not high. The number was not something that
needed any special intervention. When the women came for family
planning; we found out that they don’t discuss it with their husband. We
needed to bring the men on board during discussions on family planning,
but it came about much later when we were about rounding off the
project,” she said. Edoro added that many of the men in Makoko said they
didn’t enjoy sex with condoms because they believed it decreased the
pleasure during sex.
However, she pointed out that the
withdrawal method may not necessarily be effective in preventing
pregnancies and STDs. “This is because the pre-ejaculation fluid from a
man’s penis may contain sperm, which means that the man may still has
enough sperm to make a woman pregnant,” she said, noting that the women
were less conservative about family planning than the men.
“Surprisingly we also discovered
that their children were healthy and they breastfed for longer time,
malnutrition was not a problem. Yes, they had a lot of chest infections
because of their environment and they smoke. But they were healthy,
despite their environment. I was also surprised about the low rate of
STDs because they don’t protect themselves with condoms. They don’t
marry outside the community, I don’t know if that is a factor,” she
Conservatism, illiteracy, lack of
awareness, traditional beliefs, environmental factors, high risk sexual
behaviour and poverty may be some reasons for the widespread practice
of unsafe sex among people in the community. There is also a high rate
of teenage pregnancy there.
Their claims asides, SUNDAY PUNCH gathered
from some of the residents that, despite their marital status, a few of
them still had sexual affairs outside the community.
“Today, girls are getting
pregnant more and giving birth. Sex is more common in Makoko among the
young boys and girls. They like it. All they know in this settlement is
sex. You see young girls of 13, 14 years, who have had sex. And when
they are brought to the elders, they would claim that they are husband
and wife. We deliberated some cases last Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. We
had cases of rape in the past but it is very rare. Nowadays, some of
these young girls spend their mothers’ profits from her trade to get
boys to have sex with them,” Agoyon said. Most times, a traditional
marriage ceremony is quickly conducted between these young, consenting
lovers. It doesn’t cost much to have one in Makoko, a traditional
wedding ceremony could cost between N10,000 and N150,000, Agoyon said.
This developing trend may change the status quo in the community in terms of population growth and rates of STDS.
This is the more reason why,
beyond the changing perspectives, Jamiu said people in communities such
as Makoko needed more enlightenment about the use of contraceptives such
as condoms, considering the social and economic effects such population
increase in slums areas would have on the country.
According to recent World Bank
statistics, Nigeria, with a population of over 160 million where
majority live on less than $2 a day, has the seventh highest birth rate
in the world. The report stated that Nigerian women give birth to an
average of six children within their childbearing years.
“Their educational awareness and
knowledge of contraceptives is very poor in Makoko. I can’t comment on
how it works for them. But if the communities can be provided with
standard education, it will help change their mentality and way of life,
because you can’t dislodge them from there. That’s where they are
comfortable to live in. It’s more of a rudimentary life. They have some
brilliant children where during interaction with them, you know they can
be better. Education is what they need,’’ he noted.
Although the older generation still holds strongly to the sexual practice of their forefathers, the younger generation of Egun people seem to be drifting away with the current of modern times, while in the murky waters surrounding their communities.
Remi Goka, in his 30s, who was
evasive about his marital status, said he used condoms whenever he was
with his girlfriends. Like he put it, he didn’t know if they had other
sexual relationships outside. “But I go for tests regularly. I have many
of my friends who use condoms,” he said.
His friends, whose ages ranged
from 18 to 30; Hunkarin, Yomlomnun Monday, Keyebo Richard and Djisou
Honsou, who had his name tattooed on his arm, all agreed. They all use
condoms also. Goka agreed that sex among young people was now a common
way of life in the community.
“Yes, there is a difference
between my generation and the older one because we are more enlightened
about the issues. We have a larger population now. It’s a thing of
choice,’’ he noted.
With an increasing population,
especially of women and children, poverty, poor living conditions, lack
of education and basic infrastructure and services, the increasing rate
of unprotected sex in Makoko communities is a worrying trend, especially
as the general dislike for condoms hasn’t changed much with the younger
“They live in a kind of cocoon.
For them, it’s a way of life. The men go for fishing; the women go to
the market and come back. From what I have observed, there are no
special values being handed over. So, it goes on like a cycle. The young
boys grow up to impregnate their women and it just goes on and on,”
Edoro noted.
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