15 May 2014

Who Will Save The 50 Years Old Village?

London-The visitors have long since left, there are weeds in the streets and the little wooden houses are starting to rot away. Oliver Bullman and his wife Pat devoted more than 50 years of their lives to creating the model village in their front garden.

Their labour of love became part of the tourist trail around Cambridge, with students and children flocking to see it and marvel at the couple’s handiwork. But two years after Mr Bullman’s death, the
miniature village outside their bungalow is a ghost town - a fading reminder of its heyday. His 80-year-old widow is too frail to save it and fears it will disappear for good unless someone steps in to help. Mrs Bullman, of Wicken, Cambridgeshire, said: ‘Tourists used to stop here in the past, but now there’s no-one to keep it looking good. ‘We were a good team, me and my husband, and we always had a good laugh.
‘We used to love spending time together painting all the houses and thinking of new things to do.

‘Oliver built everything and I did the painting. I’ve tried to keep things painted but I can’t stop all the wood from falling apart. ‘It was so difficult when he died, and I find it terribly hard to watch the village just rotting away in front of my eyes.’


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