According to several newspapers, the tiny African country of Angola has
become the first country in the world to ban Islam and Muslims.
The Angolan Minister of Culture, Rosa Cruz e Silva was quoted by news
agencies and Angola newspapers as saying, “The process of legalisation
of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human
rights, their mosques would be closed until further notice.”
As part of the ban, the Angolan government ordered the demolition of the mosques in the country.
According to Silva, the decision was the latest in a series of efforts
to ban “illegal” religious sects in the country. Silva’s statement was
made during her appearance last week at the 6th Commission of the
National Assembly.
According to the minister, the move was necessitated in order to fight
the emergence of congregations whose worshipping is contradictory to the
customs of Angola culture.
Not just Islam, many other faits which have not been legalised will face closure of their houses of worship.
Silva further said, “All sects on the list published by the Ministry of
Justice and Human Rights in the Angolan newspaper ‘Jornal de Angola’ are
prohibited to conduct worship, so they should keep their doors closed,”
she was quoted by Cameroon Voice?.
“In addition, we also have a long list of more than a thousand legalization applications,” she added.
Speaking about it, Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos said, “This is the final end of Islamic influence in our country.”
UnknownBy popular demand, Angolan authorities have taken pre-emptive
action and decided to ban the Muslim religion, which they consider a
cult, NOT a religion. They see what Muslims are doing to Christians,
especially in Africa, and are taking steps to prevent the same from
happening in Angola.

And on Tuesday, November 19, the Minister of Culture, Rosa Cruz e Silva
said. “Regarding Islam, the legalization process has not been approved
by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. Therefore all mosques would
be closed until further notice. “ It should be noted that the Angolan
government has made closing of all mosques a priority. The only two
mosques located in Luanda have already received a warning document
signed by the mayor of the municipality of Viana José Moreno.
Poste reveille (h/t Susan K) The provincial governor of Luanda, Bento
Bento, said on the airwaves of local radio that “radical Muslims are not
welcome in Angola and the Angolan government is not ready for the
legalization of mosques.” Minister of Culture, Rosa Cruz e Silva
explained that the law on freedom of religion will be reviewed given the
current national context , noting that the Government will redouble its
efforts to fight relentlessly against religious cults like Islam which
are contrary to the customs of Angolan culture.
of Angola’s population is Christian. A quarter belongs to Protestant
churches founded during the colonial period, including congregational
evangelical church.
This decisive action taken by the Angolan head of state is based on a
desire to guard against the rise of the Wahhabi ideology that has
created havoc, death and destruction in Africa and elsewhere. And as
rightly explained Tunisian philosopher Mezri Haddad: “Islamism and
Islamophobia feed each other. Worse, long-term Islamism as an ideology
destroy Islam as religion. “
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