Unconfirmed reports reaching us are that the Mutare Madzibaba one Simon Neruwana, a senior prophet with the Zion Apostolic Church of the bush sextape has committed suicide. Details are still sketchy but rumours reaching by iHarare News crew from Mutare are that the jilted husband of the cheating wife set a trap for Madzibaba. When the sextape leaked Madzibaba took a “sexual sabbatical” to his rural areas in Bikita in order to evade the long lens of the media. One of the moles informed us tha Madzibaba Neruwana used a lot of money to buy The Manica Post copies last Friday in a bid to stop his neighbours from reading the bush act.
“He tried to conceal the incident, but word had spread around the ghetto. He could not bear the humiliation and left for his rural home,” said a neighbour who requested anonymity. Another resident said Neruwana was popular in the sprawling ghetto because of his ‘prophetic powers’.
When will "married" women stop falling prey to "men of God" and stop following them to weird places for "prayers"? See the picture after the break ...

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